España 2007: Ice cream on the beach

Full House Aces and Fours Calpe y Pinyon d'ifache Lunch Menu Ombra for mom Horchaterria

Aug 14, 2007

Done playing Texas Hold’em. Busted out on nothing. Zack takes it all w/a full house A’s and 10’s. Went to Denia early in the evening w/mom and got some ice cream. It was a nice walk on the promenade. Saw a Spanish episode of The Simpsons. Krusty the Klown’s theme park.

7:53 Villa Ellicott
Went finally to Calpe. Swam on the beach for an hour. Then got up and had helado. Ate lunch before swimming w/hamburgeusa con patatas.

Been to Mas y Mas again. Spent more time there than anywhere. Bought ceramic plate and an ashtray.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.