Western fries

Western fries
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Sent from my iPhone

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Western fries”

  1. Awesome. Now you can fill your belly with all the carbs you want while trecking the back roads. Aint nothing like peddling 40 miles in 100 degree weather with thick humidity and a belly full of western fries. Mmm.

    I don’t know. It’s great that one opened up next to your house but… it’s a curse disguised as a blessing. The funny thing is that it’s the first and last thing you see everytime you go home. And The Farms is sooo big and bright. You should drive the back way to our house. Hee hee.

  2. Damn you. I say DAMN YOU! Why oh WHY are there no Royal Farm’s out here in SoCal?! I miss their western fries…they have THE BEST Western Fries, bar none. Funy thing is, I can’t find western fries anywhere out here. I mean, they are “western” fries, right…doesn’t that mean they came from the west? I’m on the west coast, but no WESTern fries!? WTF?!

  3. These were fresh since they just opened up this store right up the road. Right. Up. The. Road!!!

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