Recent Keyword Activity

My Google hits just keep coming. In fact, BrowserMetrics is starting to get decent traffic from there. Lots of interesting search results. Here’s the most recent:

western fries — Are they looking for examples? Just stop by your local Royal Farms. Unless they don’t have ’em.
imdb general macarthur pt boats — They must be searching for “They were expendable.” — “Internet? Inter-not.” NewsRadio nerds.
oksana akinshina naked — Sorry, I don’t have any of these. Were you successful? Please post in comments!
gdansk hot girls pictures — Can your machine handle google saudi arabia?
doobie keebler — Are you doobie keebler? NewsRadio nerds!
the withered arm blurb — What the heck is this? Please post in comments!
phillip hitchcock’s stacey keibler’s legs and ass — Those words don’t make any sense together. Again, post in comments.
browsermetrics — One of you three is lazy. Post in comments about why.
throwdini — NewsRadio nerds!!! LOL!

That’s a lot of nonsense.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Recent Keyword Activity”

  1. those were funny searches/ keywords. i always get a fish tank search though. like uhm people looking for actual fish tanks. and funny to think about it, who gets to page 27 of search links? that was very persistent of them eh?

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