Computers Suck

Jay runs into issues with his RAID drive. The Seed running into issues
with his desktop. We already know about his issues with his laptop. I'm running into some issues with my own TiBook. Watching DVDs has now
become an adventure. I think it has to do with overheating of the
drive. When running the TiBook gets pretty hot. I usually place it in
my lap so there's no air circulation for it. It runs hotter. Play a
DVD and it'll run even hotter still. The TiBook overheats and the DVD
drive stalls. This causes a complete lockup of the machine. Reboot but
it doesn't mount my Users partition. This sucks, and it has only gotten
worse. Before it was just one every hundred DVDs. Now it seems like
every DVD would cause this. I guess I need a new MacBookPro!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.