I am interested

Filipino movie critic, Noel Vera had a hand in writing the book about movies I gave away for secret santa this year. It’s pretty cool to know that a blog you read has also written a book. Bloggers aren’t all anonymous amateurs.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “I am interested”

  1. i found myself going through his posts. i was happy to see his 100 Best Filipino Movies and found out that a couple of my bets are also there.

  2. I was thinking that his blog would be right up your alley.

  3. his picks were really good. i have to go thru his other posts though. i liked his thoughts on director Mike de Leon, and i must agree with him that he is one of the best ones that Philippine cinema ever had.

    now go add that on your queue! not that Can This Be Love movie!

  4. Well, do you have a recommendation then?

  5. And don’t knock Show Me Love! 😉

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