
So I finally looked in the box. Rather than read the letters addressed to her, I rooted around and found some other letters from friendships past.

I find a few from my good friend Akeshia. She loved Sweden before I even knew where it was. I received a few postcards from her study abroad year.

There’s one from Rob exhorting me to get out of town. Funny that one.

There’s also a few from Simon. I wonder if he’s dead now and his magisterial poetry lives on.

I wish I knew where they all were now. I lost touch with them so long ago. On the placemats in chinese restaurants, the chinese zodiac description of the boar says that I’ll have life long friends. They say horoscopes are phony and filled with descriptions that’ll apply to almost anyone. This is one I wish it did.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “Pandora”

  1. I was looking for my pictures from the Baltic Cruise. I want to find those and I thought I put it in this box. There are some pictures in there, but not the ones I want. I’m going to have to tear up everything to find those pix. 🙁

  2. im scared of those letters and old pictures never look back only forward and twirling twirling…if you go on facebook you can find all your old friends

  3. well good luck on looking for it. you’ll find other stuff along the way. =p capitol is right tho, there is hope on the internet, its called networking and it is thru the search box of sites called facebook, friendster, multiply, yahoo 360, etc etc etc. but be warned about myspace. its freaky. =p

  4. I just did a search for my friend and found her. I wonder if I should email her out of the blue. How weird would that be?

    Facebook and mySpace are two places I don’t want to wander to. I think they’re sad.

  5. go email! thats the whole purpose of the search! gee!

    and uhm actually facebook is fun… or fake fun… sad.

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