If I had a straw

Saw There Will Be Blood today, my thoughts about that should manifest itself as a blog post in a few days time. Here’s a little something to tide you over.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “If I had a straw”

  1. gee! i want that sound bite on my site!

  2. That is the best friggen movie all year. Just the worst of humanity in the middle of the desert. Man I loved it.

    “It’s called DRAINAGE!!!!” Hee hee… “If I put my straw in your milkshake” Hee hee. Brilliant.

  3. Also did you read the Golden Globe winners? I called it. They chose Atonement over No Country For Old Men(I refuse to abbreviate titles for future purposes.) and There Will Be Blood. Hell I think The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, The Waitress, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber. and Rescue Dawn were way better.

    But what evs. It’s a weepy and people love the weepies. Especially weeepies with a touch of hope.

  4. that would Make a good tagline

    I haven’t seen the full list but atonement was alwyds going to be the front runner.

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