Team Slipstream

Here’s a nice little segment from ESPN about the Slipstream Cycling Team. Looks as though ESPN is doing a reality series about them. They’re trying to compete as a clean team. No performance enhancing drugs ever.

That’s pretty noble of them. I think they’ll have it easier this year because of the crack down on banned substances in the sport. So many people are going to be testing, poking, picking and prodding the professional cyclists that it would be ridiculous to be caught using. Or hopefully that would be the case. Seeing the turbulence in the sport these last few years has made me cynical. Was Armstrong tainted? It feels weird and the uncertainty of it all is the worst.

Team Slipstream has a reformed cheater in David Millar. He’s now trying to lead the way for clean riding. He’s a vocal advocate for anything that would make cycling more clean. He freely admits his mistakes and he tries to be a good example of a reformed user. He rides clean and is competitive.

They also have a wonderful kit. I have the first year version of the jersey. They had a contest for this year’s model. It’s argyle as well. I wish they would also sell that. This time I am getting a size bigger. Mine is a tad bit too snug, but this past winter I packed on some pounds. I expect to be blowing apart the seams of that jersey unless I lose some weight.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

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