National Pastime

You know, baseball is much better watched in the middle of the day.
Especially if that day is in the middle of the work week.The Baltimore Orioles always have a day game on Sunday, yet very few on
a weekday. They have the home opener March 31 at 3:00, then a few more
day games in May: Tampa Bay on the 1st, Boston on the 14th, and the
hated Yankees on the 26th. For the rest of the season, nada.It would seem to me to be better to have these day games in the summer
rather than the spring. You can sit in the hot sun hot dog in hand and
a cold, cold beer better in the summer than the spring. You never know
what the weather's going to be in May. In July, it's going to be sunny
and hot with scattered thunderstorms in the late afternoon. Perfect
weather, if the game starts at 1:05.That's what's wrong with baseball. No day games to escape from work
when needed.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.