
I don’t know if the hype of Cloverfield turned me against it right from the start or if it’s just something I don’t like. I do know that it made me sick. Even forewarned and sitting two rows from the back, I got a headache watching it. I wasn’t nauseous but maybe should’ve been. The shaky-cam effect meant to put us there but also made me sick.

The movie is a purported tape from some guys camera documenting his going away party and the monster attack on New York City. It’s a home video and like your typical home video, you want to forward to the good parts. The establishing scenes at the party and at the dude’s apartment I wish I could’ve fast forwarded through. Then when the monster attack was unleashed, I wish I could’ve fast forwarded through them as well.

The monster was the big secret in selling the movie. What was it? What does it look like? Under my headache when it showed up, I was underwhelmed. At first it was Cthulu. Then it was Dr. Zoidberg. Finally, in all it’s glory in the money shot of the movie, it was those landstriders from The Dark Crystal. Admittedly, I was nursing my headache so I might be wrong in my descriptions.

Anyway, all through Cloverfield I found it similar to the Korean monster film, The Host. I wasn’t fond of that film as well.

I think that when they do Cloverfield 2, it should be from the perspective of the army. And it should be a conventional film. That way we can find out what happened in the end. Also, I predict that a film will show up on youtube splicing some random dudes into the action. It would look just as real and perhaps be an even better story.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “Cloverfield”

  1. I don’t know… when I think of the alien in Cloverfield, I think of Steve Martin in that scene where he falls out of the tree. That scene where he tells the old ladies that aliens sucked him into their spaceship. That’s what I think of.

    Cloverfield was “Youtube the Movie”. I’d give it three stars for the marching band army scene. That scene was sort of goofy.

  2. Woops. Forget to mention what Steve Martin movie I was talking about. The movie I was referring to was “Roxanne”.

  3. Oh and I forgot to say “The Host” is a waaaay better. I really dug the Host and can’t believe you didn’t enjoy it.

    I pop it in everyone once and a while. That’s a 4 star movie in my book.

  4. i still stand on my petition

    helmet cam

  5. the movie was original to a great extent, reminiscent of blair witch project obviously, though sound quality was much better.

  6. I’m not so sure it was original, but different… yes.

    It’s pretty much the same premise as Speilberg’s version of “War of The Worlds”. An unknown entity starts taking over the land, but the focus of the story is just about the journey to their loved ones. All you had to do was give the little girl a camera and BANG, there’s your Cloverfield. Hell, it even had the same scene where the kid runs into the big battle between the army and the creatures.

    I won’t give away the ending so I’ll stop there. But it somewhat differs there. Other than that it’s pretty much the same film with a different look.

    But, I could see myself watching it whenever it hits cable. It’s the perfect kind of movie for that.

    But that’s just my point of view.

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