January Miscellaneous

First homework assignment for CS712 Web Application Development with Java Servlets and Java server pages. This is interactive for anyone and everyone to test. Or maybe not depending upon the traffic the server at school gets. I wonder if they’ll shut it down?

Tour de Cure on June 7, 2008 around Columbia/Sykesville. Is it hilly there?

Kona Paddy Wagon is coming up soon. I got to get me a single speed for tooling around the NCR.

BBC Cue Sheet Library take a look at some of the rides in Baltimore County. The ones going from Franklin are intriguing.

Ono Coffee is a stranger in a strange land. Eating, drinking, being merry.

The one Barbara Stanwyck film I am dieing to see. It’s also a Preston Sturges penned film. How come TCM didn’t show it this year? Here’s where you can catch the trailer?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “January Miscellaneous”

  1. ah! yes! homeworks…

  2. maybe i should put my homework stuff on my blog too. i’ll put it on my sidebar so that i will remember to access it every time i log on.

  3. Posting on the blog makes it easier to retrieve it if you forget to print it out. Plus, it’s something else to read for your readers who may comment. Just like you did.

    I was actually hoping you guys would actively visit the site so that the server would be overloaded. 🙂

  4. yeah. and i dont check my bookmarks a lot also, so i know that if i put it as a bookmark, it would be useless.

    i’ll try that link u posted. mine is something no one can access, unless i give out my username and password. =)

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