Fuck Yeah!

Is that the biggest upset ever? Giants 17 Patriots 14.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

7 Replies to “Fuck Yeah!”

  1. I think it’s funny that one game determines an ENTIRE season. I’m not a huge football fan, but I don’t see it as an upset. It was a really good match up and with the Pats going full force all season I don’t get what the big deal is.

    I understand it’s the Super Bowl and the last game, but ut sucks that one game marks the effort of an entire season.

    Manning and Brady were fun to watch man.

    I had PIP with the sound on the game while playing COD4. I got so into the football game I turned of COD4… imagine that.

  2. it was a good game. thats all i can say. its just pretty that Giants won also, but of course, still, it is a disappointment for the Patriots to be an inch close to the crown.

    Manning back to back as MVP.

    and to agree with Seed, yes, it made me stop doing my homework.

  3. I’m on the Mac Thinbook right now. It’s ah-ight.

  4. I just wanted to see the Pats win so that they couuld show up the 72 Dolphins.

  5. Fuck the 72 Dolphins. I wanted the Giants to win for the sheer pleasure it would’ve been to see Bilicheck’s displeasure. It sure was awesome sportsmanship to run away before the end. Good guy!

    @theseed: It’s one and done in america. You’re a winner or you’re a loser. Close is only good in horseshoes and handgranades.

    As for the Dolphins, the more that they can gloat and make the rest of the world hate them. The better it is. SO that every year we can hear about their perfect season.

    It’s also satisfactory to see a new england team lose. Like the yankees in baseball. Thank god they lost. Suck it NE. Suck it.

  6. Bilicheck was REALLY disappointed. he was really pissed, and on his post game interview, you didnt need to hear him speak… just look on his face and it’d make u laugh that he is such a sour.

  7. I’d be sour too. A chance in a lifetime is swept away in the final seconds.

    That’s gotta hurt. It would be like getting a giant statue in your honor built at the center of town. Then moments before it is revealed to the public.. a giant wrecking ball comes crashing down on it.

    It’s a bummer.

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