
Untraceable is a thriller that tries to make a statement about our media obsession with junk. It tries to equate our fixation for torture porn and sick and disgusting websites with the depravity of a serial killer. It tries to make us, the audience, culpable for the rottenness of society. It doesn’t do it very well.

What it has going for it was Diane Lane. She’s still a hottie in my book, but this movie seems to be one were she’s just in it for the money. I think everyone in it was.

Diane Lane plays an FBI agent (does the fbi hire nothing but hotties) in the cyber crime department. She tracks down the miscreants who use the internet for illegal activities like credit theft and solicitation of minors. She is given a lead for a web site that is set up to deliver torture by the amount of people who view its pages. It starts with a kitten and ends up with several human victims. All for the people who view the site.

Needless to say the site was untraceable and hard to find the owner or where it was being broadcast from. Yet, they do find the perp. And save the day. The final shot is of the sites stats slowly dropping.

It’s not a very good film. Everything was telegraphed. Everything. “Here’s a present.” “Use morse code.” “I downloaded a video game from a friend.” You could spot that from a mile away.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.