Seen from this morning

If you notice the time stamp of the previous post, you’ll see a time around 4 AM.

I don’t know why I was up.

Actually, I do. I acted the fool this morning. Have you ever been amped to get up? Or knew you had the get up that you slept lightly? I had to rise early to be in work by 8 for a training class plus also I am trying to condition myself to get up earlier so that Jorge Cruise can motivate me. So I was somewhat awake and groggy around 3:30. I thought it was 6:30. The lack of sunlight seemed normal for winter at that time.

I could’ve actually looked at my alarm clock, but I rushed to take a shower. I didn’t feel tired, but underneath the warm water I had a hunch that I didn’t sleep the full six hours I normally do.

I didn’t. My iPhone told me what the actual time was.

I pondered if I should go back to bed, stay awake and go to work around 5:30, or get breakfast. So I posted that notice about TCM running some fine movies, and went back to sleep shortly thereafter.

I didn’t miss getting up. The alarm sounded at the normal time.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Seen from this morning”

  1. i was gonna tell u to take some rest and sleep.

    but then again, what time is it now? =p

  2. Yeah.

    Staying up all night? That’s different than falling asleep and then waking up thinking of the wrong time.

    Less fun. Even less funny.

  3. I got up early the other day due to jet lag, went to morning breakfast and ended up with a date for Monday.

    What was it that Tom Cruise said in “Magnolia”?

    Ah yes, “RESPECT THE COCK!!!!”

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