897 Greatest Albums of All Time on WTMD

As a follow up to their 897 Greatest Songs of All Time countdown from last year, WTMD is counting down the 897 Greatest Albums of All Time. It's a chance to hear some tunes you normally don't hear on the radio.

The other day they played some Jethro Tull which probably hasn't been heard on air in a long while. It was side A to an album. I had to change the channel because it felt like a Jazz Odyssey but heavier progrock-like. I went into the harbor tunnel with it playing and came out with it still on and I think it was still the same verse. I don't know if there was a chorus.

Anyhow, you should listen to it as it counts down. You may hear some fine tunes that'll have you rocking out, especially, as it winds down to number one.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

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