Beta testers wanted

One of the funny things about taking the Web Application development class is that they gave us a virtual server off the loyola domain to use as a test bed. We still develop locally but we have to deploy it on the web.

If you want to see some trivial examples of Java Servlets in action check this out: Assignment 3

I’m asking you, my dear readers, to do my testing for me. Check if things work correctly. If you get a crash, please screen capture it and post in comments problems. You are my beta testers. Its due Thursday. Get this done by then. TIA.

UPDATE: Here’s what’s up with assignment 3.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

14 Replies to “Beta testers wanted”

  1. all links were fine, unless you made some revisions for link#1 which i missed to go to. otherwise, in my end, other links are okay.

  2. That did not make any sense, but I didn’t give you my requirements.

    1- every visit but the tenth will redirect you to The tenth will take you to nytimes.

    2- this tests saving web page preferences.

    3- tests for referring page. it’ll list which pages you had came from to access that page.

    4- is a simple shopping cart implementation

  3. What are my shipment options? And when can Mars be shipped out?

  4. It didn twork at all for me

  5. @capitolswell: what’s broken? What’s not working? Can you describe the problem?

  6. I was looking at you assignment on my PC and the assignment web page wasnt there. It wouldn’t load, I didnt see anything. But i just tried with my Mac and it worked fine.

  7. @capitolswell: you’re daft. That link worked from my work today. Are you sure some kind of net blocking software isn’t being used on the hill to keep you from checking out weird sites. Why would a domain be blocked by congress?

  8. “This page cannot be displayed”

    And I even turned off our proxy server to make sure I wasn’t blocked.

  9. I’m confused now. 🙁

    Darn internets! Start working!

  10. maybe the google can help you with your internets.

  11. What is everyone browsing with?

    Do you have everyones info?

  12. If you can’t see the page, I think the server may be down. Was the error a “can’t connect” one or what?

    Alternatively, if you see this error happen again post a screen cap. I don’t know where you can store it, but it would be helpful.

  13. It’s after your due date, but…

    The page cannot be displayed

    The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

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