The Insanity of the Office Pool

The annual rite of spring, the NCAA office pool, has come. Just like the annual swallows returning to Capistrano, every year millions are bet on these 33 college basketball games. It’s dumb and amusing and you’ll always lose. I guarantee it.

I got Memphis over Kansas in the finals, 74 to 68, with NC and Duke rounding out the final four. Why do I keep picking these losers? As long as Memphis takes it, I think I can get some money. I don’t know anything about the college game today, so that I don’t have to worry about analysis of what teams are good. I’m just picking, because every thing is a push.

Go Memphis! (I have no idea where that school is or even if they are any good.)

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “The Insanity of the Office Pool”

  1. as i was having lunch yesterday, three people were in front of a PC having a debate on ACC. thats what the the effect is maybe.

  2. have you heard of this team called Duke?

  3. Who?

    They’re gonna lose in the sweet 16 and kill my bracket! Damn you, Duke!!!!

  4. I’ve got Memphis going all the way too in my office pool! I had no idea who to pick, so I just kept moving teams forward by seed. I did it that way, but had to push Duke forward, cause..well, I like that Mike Ses-sesh-ki guy.

    But, I do have Memphis winning, because Duke likes to choke.

    GO MEMPHIS!! (yeah, where are they??)

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