Get out the vote

Hillary Clinton wins in West Virginia and she argues that only she can beat McClown in the general elections. She is getting in the way of the chance to destroy the Republican party and muddling up the picture.

The goal of this year’s elections is to destroy the quaint notion that the Republican party and current conservative thinking are the best way to producing a great nation. The Democrats should be hammering this meme everywhere, every day, every time. They need to discredit their opponents, so that the nation can understand that the destructiveness of the selfishness-inspiring Republican thought was what directly contributed to the worst eight years of the US.

Yet, Clinton is still in it. Her presence now gets in the way of presenting the American citizens that the Democrats can lead the nation to greatness again. With her there, the Democrats can’t even lead their own party to greatness. It makes the message hard to decipher.

The nation is looking for kicking out the Republicans from office from state to national seats. Yet, the Democrats can’t capitalize at the most significant post, the president. Why should the nation replace incompetent and corrupt Republicans, if the alternative is just as incompetent? And Clinton still in the race makes the Democrats look it.

Just get out of our way, so that we can start kicking some Republican ass.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.