
Psycho was playing at The Charles. I’ve never seen it straight through, so what better way to watch it but on celluloid in a revival theatre.

And it was great. I got chills when “mother” comes out and kills the detective. It was enough to make me jump a bit.

Afterwards, I got to arguing with the seed about if it was a modern movie or not. He says it was because of the editing. I said no because of the staging and framing. I’ll give him the editing as it is more modern than the studio films of 40s and 50s, but I feel that it had some of the mise-en-scene you get from a film noir of the earlier era. The closeups and the tight shots highlighting the tension of the story. It’s a toss up. I won’t give ground and he won’t either.

It’s a good movie for this fact.

4 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.