Blown Away

Driving into work and I make a quick move to avoid a car. My hat slides across my dashboard and out into the morning air. D’oh! I’m so unlucky with caps. I’ll get another. I could’ve reached out and stopped it. It moved in slow motion, across the dashboard, hung up for a microsecond on the lip of the door then, whoosh. I watch it in my rearview mirror. Sayonora, baseball cap.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Blown Away”

  1. yeah, big oops! tsk tsk tsk! no cap for that haircut too.

  2. Totally sucks. It was my Os cap which is indicative of their season.

  3. poor hat.

    that happened to me once with a $50 bill sitting on the dashboard. i won’t divulge why i needed to crack the window on the freeway in 97 degree mosquito-infested weather, but perhaps you can guess. needless to say, it cost me.

  4. browser: no way! but look at the stats and scoreboards (as that Sox fan said?)

    m: that sounds painful. much much much painful.

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