Giant Size Astonishing X-Men #1

So have you finished off Josh Whedon’s run on Astonishing X-Men?

I’ve been reading X-Men comics since forever, since whenever I started reading them. I came along around the same time as Kitty Pryde. She was the young, newbie, learning her powers, learning her place in the world, and learning her place on the team. She may not have been the most powerful of X-Men, at times she was annoying, yet, she was scrappy and smart, and a computer geek, too. You had to give her her due just because she could battle the brood, evil mutants and all sorts of nasty characters and still remain standing. Lacking the cosmic level power doesn’t mean you can’t still kick ass.

So, she joins her place in the X-Men team and becomes integral to it. I loved that. It was the good glory years of reading X-Men. Colossus and her, Wolverine and Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm that was the X-Men.

Whedon blows that up and sends Kitty Pryde hurtling forever through space. I thought Whedon was all about the strong girl. Kitty Pryde would’ve been that girl, the Buffy if you will. Yet, she’s still hurtling through space. She saved the world. And got the thankless prize of hurtling through space.

We’ll miss you Kitty Pryde. I hope you return soon.

We’ll miss Joss Whedon’s take on the X-Men. I hope some other writers can continue with fine stories.

I’ll be waiting.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.