Who’s next?

So, are you getting the new iPhone?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

14 Replies to “Who’s next?”

  1. July 11th… can’t wait. Or should I wait for the Zune Phone so I can be part of the social?

  2. erm… nope. (i cant believe im typing this again!)

  3. Actually, the more I think about it… the less I care about iPhone 2.0. I’m not disappointed in it, I just don’t care. Octo is making my balls sweat.

    We’ll see when it rolls out.

  4. My iPhone is a beautiful thing, as good to me as it was a year ago when I bought it for a lot of money. I liked it then, and I like it still!!!! Hurray!

  5. That white one is all snazzy like a stormtrooper. I feel like Indy tied up with Marion. “Close your eyes! Don’t look at it.” It’ll make you want it.

    I can’t wait to see the features.

  6. i just have to say that i feel bad right now… i realized that i paid 265 (thats 250 plus tax) for my iTouch 8gb refurb, and the effing 8gb iPhone 2.0 will be at base 200.

    i cant believe this!

  7. iWork support is the one thing that got my curiosity. I still wonder what is meant by that.

    The phone didn’t change really. But I can’t wait to see it. The white might be a bit much for me… Hee hee. It’s a little too bling bling.

    I can’t wait to see what people build for this thing beyond Cro Mag Rally. =)

  8. @marge: I paid $600 for mine and it is slow. It’s the dinosaur of smartphones.

    @the seed:
    The white is cool. They need to make a translucent one.

    The iWork stuff is meant that it can now read those docs natively. It’ll open a .pages or .keynote file as well as the MS Office crap.

    The GPS looks cool. Apple has a way of making you wonder why you need this shit, but you’ll get it anyway.

  9. im reading on that iWorks thing too. i am more determined to get iWorks by August and maximize my iTouch. it still is my baby right now, alright.

    and Browser, did you say GPS?!?

  10. Yes, GPS. I don’t know why I would need it, but it would be cool.

  11. I just want to see where all my friends are… so I can avoid them. =)

  12. i didnt say anything. zit! =p

  13. GPS will cut down the number of times I have to throw the phone at CapitolSwell for not being a good back seat driver.

  14. I’d like to see that on GPS.

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