Epic day in the saddle

Okay. This is a blow-by-blow account of one of my finest days riding my bike around the neighborhood. I linked in several routes and climbed some hills. I was moving along pretty quick and I was feeling fine. The cyclocomputer says 26.96 miles at 15.0 mph. I spent 1 hour 45 minutes on the road. That was fun.

So, I come home itching to ride. In my mind, I want to do a longer route, but haven’t had the inclination to just do it. Today could be the day. I’m feeling fine. I ate spaghetti for dinner last night and for lunch today. Carbo-loaded!

I load up the trusty old steed, drink a few glasses of water, then push off from the door and head to the same old route — down Pleasant. I bomb it hitting 42 mph. The bike is a little squirrely today as I’m not sure that it has the proper tire inflation. At the bottom of the hill, some dumb lady stops at the one lane bridge and I lock my brakes. I need to practice that better. I skid up besides her. While trying to slow down, I was downshifting my gears, but I also instinctively back up my cranks causing me to throw the chain. I fix it on the side of the road.

When I get back to the route, I have to hurry across the bridge chased by a car. On I go through the cool woods, left at Deerpark, bombing past the Ravens training facility. I eventually end up in New Town climbing the first hill. I have to drop it into the granny gear, because I’m not warmed up yet. I do the loop then right, instead of left, onto Deerpark and through Soldier’s Delight I go. I was startled by a bunch of gay-ass teenagers. I give them the finger, daring them to come back. Fuckers.

I take Berryman’s lane to Reisterstown Road where I do a u-turn, but then I head for the SPCA of Baltimore County. That’s downhill, so when I reach it I turn around a climb back up. Not bad.

Back to Church where there’s another hill. I climb again not bad. I’m flying at this point maintaining the 15 mph average. I head for the other hill on Church, climb it and head for the Tollgate hill. Before that I bomb another long hill. My bike has a relatively short wheel base, so all the bumps, dips and cracks in the asphalt were jarring. On the Tollgate climb, I practice spinning, concentrating on my form. I know now that I have to lower my seat as I bounce around too much while in the saddle. It’ll be just a smidge (2cm) lower next time.

Once more around the block and I am home.

Flew through that hour and it was fun. I have to do that again sometime.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Epic day in the saddle”

  1. nice. the weather was also better, so i guess it really helped eh?

    “I was startled by a bunch of gay-ass teenagers. I give them the finger, daring them to come back. Fuckers.” — and i laughed! its so candid

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