Movie Criticism

Geez. I just read some really good writing in the form of movie reviews for this weekend’s releases. I mean I was startled by how moved I was from just reading them. Did it make me want to go watch the movies? Hell, yeah, even though one of them was a pan and dismissed the film as another in a long line of bad action flicks.

First up is Manahlo Dargis’s demolition of Wanted, the action flick opening up today. It’s a beautiful takedown. I wish I can write my reviews like that for when I need to pan a film.

Next is Devid Edelstein’s review of Wall-E. Simply amazing. And the movie sounds awesome as well.

Hmm. What to watch this weekend?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Movie Criticism”

  1. i think this weekend’s movies are good to satisfy curiosity what the movies are all about.

  2. “There’s no denying Mr. Bekmambetov’s energy or enthusiasm: he blows people and stuff up with gusto”

    I honestly don’t read reviews much anymore. I read the first sentence and last sentence usually. I skimmed this one and grabbed that quote.

    The rest is jibber jabber to me. Big boom was fun to me. But yeah, I really only read the first and last sentences of reviews. It usually boils down the movie to what it is. For instance:

    “The money shot in “Wanted,” its pièce-de-special-effects-résistance and reason for green-lighted being, appears in the opening minutes of this noisy, ultraviolent shoot-’em-up with Angelina Jolie, her many tattoos and some guys.”

    Then the review ends with:
    “Right on cue Mr. McAvoy swaggers and Ms. Jolie smiles even as Mr. Freeman checks his watch, beating me to the punch.”

    That’s all you need to know. And the movie was pretty much that. It was entertaining to those who were entertained.

    Let’s watch Wall E tomorrow.

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