Link of the Day [6.29.08]

Copenhagenize the planet!

Looks as if we need to be thinking about cycling as an alternative to driving to work. It would do us all some good. First, it would save us on a gas. Second, it would get us fitter. Third, it would get us all on the roads together, talking, chatting and enjoying the world around us so much better than stuck in a car in traffic. Only if I lived closer to work…

Today’s link is to an article about making cycling a means of commuting. It mentions the Copenhagen Cycle Chic website of pretty girls on bikes in Denmark. That’s always awesome.,,2287337,00.html

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Link of the Day [6.29.08]”

  1. It’s a nice idea but what the article doesn’t mention is that Copenhagen is a pretty small city that is easily walked, much more cycled. Plus, purchasing a car in Denmark is prohibitively expensive. What might be a $25K in the United States can easily be $75K in Denmark.

    Couple that with the absolutely ridiculous cost of living there and it’s no wonder people ride bicycles.

    Before places like Baltimore can do that, we’re gonna need to create bike paths (shared streets) and find ways to penalize automobile usage in the cities.

  2. I think cities in general would benefit from this type of thinking. It won’t happen in the US too much because of how we’ve structured our cities. We no longer work downtown, but around town.

    Yet, it would be nice to think about our traffic infrastructure like this. The rise in gas prices makes it more essential to think of ways to get around town in something other than a car. Or event to make it such that things are near enough to use.

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