Link of the Day [7.02.08]

Back before I was a Master at Computer Science, I had to take a class for Computer and Human Interactions. This tried to impart in all the students the need to design for the user. There were GUI tips. Web design tips. Keyboard layout tips. Mousing tips. Joystick and computer input device tips. All was spelled out to help us students understand that the computer was a tool for humans.

One of the important people in the field of human compatibility was Bruce Tognazzini who wrote a lot about it. Here’s his take on iPhone from last year. I can’t believe it has been one whole year since iPhone introduction. In another few days…. 3G!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Link of the Day [7.02.08]”

  1. nice article that reinforces my need for the 3G — sold!

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