Not me

We only have ourselves to blame for this predicament we’re in.

If we only decided on higher gas taxes years ago.

If we only decided to build more fuel efficient cars.

If we only decided that SUVs or large trucks were ridiculous.

If our leaders would lead.

If our collective conscience would understand.

We wouldn’t be in this mess.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “Not me”

  1. if only al won in 04.

  2. oops i meant 00.

  3. Now he just runs some foodie blog or something…

  4. @m: He did win. It was stolen from him by a hypocritical Supreme Court. States rights? Only when suited.

    I wish I could do my part to alleviate it, but I’m a pussy.

    @theseed: I thought he ran a bulldog blog?

  5. no, sillies, it’s a car blog. doy.

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