Quote of the Day [7.07.08]

Sometimes I dream with open eyes,
I dream of falling in love.

To be in love
Must be the sweetest feeling that a girl can feel
To be in love…
To live a dream
With somebody you care about like no one else.
A special man… A dearest man
Who needs to share his life with you alone.
Who’ll hold you close and feel things
That only love brings
To know that he is all your own

To be my love,
My love must be much more than any other man
To be my love…
To share my dream
My hero, he must take me where no other can
Where we will find a brand new world
A world of things we’ve never seen before
Where silver suns have golden moons
Each year has thirteen Junes
That’s what must be for me…
To be in love…

To Be in Love, Lynn Minmei

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “Quote of the Day [7.07.08]”

  1. That’s such the sweetest stage, falling in love. That feeling is fleeting, and couples have to work hard to make it work everyday. its not easy, but when its right, its right. Thanks again for reminding me about love.

    Because after the falling in love stage, its farting in front of you for no good reason, its hair all over the bathroom floor, its Aunt Ruby pissing EVERYONE in the house off, its “your turn to change his diaper!”, and its, “how are we going to find the money to remodel the baby’s bedroom?”. And if you’re lucky- there MIGHT be a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass just to acknowledge that you might still be just a little bit attractive. =)

    Shine on, L.O.V.E.

  2. @blueryder: That’s a beautiful sentiment. I was actually going after more of an anime feel though. And for those who love it. Go Minmei!

  3. this is cheese ball!!!

  4. I doubt minmei farted in the anime, but she did do floating showers in space. Awesome!

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