iPhone Day 2.0

Today's the day! What?! Tomorrow?! But in this age of the global economy, iPhone should be
going available in a few hours half a world away. Awesome hunh, right?
I hope those buying get what they want.I'm more interested in firmware 2.0 and getting some cool apps. iPhone
3 3G is gonna be the one to buy.One year + 11 days = 3G iPhone! <3

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “iPhone Day 2.0”

  1. i’m SO on that bandwagon.

  2. Well 9th G is really where it’s at. That’s how my Apple cycle goes at least.

    By then it will be able to bring me my coffee in the morning like Al’s Robot 2000 or whatever it was called. Man, Apple is so behind the times.

  3. It will be third gen with 4G networking technology. And it will be a tricorder which will diagnose your illness!

  4. Perfect for when we need to go back in time to save the whales. You know, cause… Chekov falls off a boat.

  5. When it can record video, I’ll buy another!

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