Le Tour 2008: Cunio-Jausiers

Stage 16 of le Tour was a monster. It went over the highest paved road in Europe over the Cime de la Bonette-Rastafond about 2900 meters high. That’s about 9000 feet! That’s crazy.

The first rider through crashes on the descent. Crazy! He wins the the LeGrange prize for crossing the highest peak of this years tour. Then he crashes. He would’ve won if he stayed out in front. It’s insane that they can go down those slopes at 60mph. I’ve hit 47 mph for a short time. It’s fun to fly but can be somewhat dangerous. I’m no descender because I haven’t ridden any thing big so I don’t have enough practice.

I’m no climber either. Riding only tiny hills.

What a fun tour. The first five places are less than a minute apart. And we have another huge day tomorrow: 3 hors categorie climbs culminating on the infamous, indomitable l’Alpe d’Huez. Ooo, I can’t wait.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Le Tour 2008: Cunio-Jausiers”

  1. I’ve got the itch again… at least for mountain biking. I miss the mud.

    47 mph sounds scary.

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