School Rumble #283

School Rumble ends at 283 chapters. (;_;)

There’s going to be another School Rumble though! School Rumble Z.

It ends just as I thought it was going to get good. Plus it ends on the most mysterious of notes. Short and curt. No wrap up of Eri x Harima or Yakumo x Harima. Nothing about the girls of 1-D even from last couple of weeks. Nothing about the rival class of 2-D. They just ended it. It’s just an ending. Reminds me of History of the World Part I. That’s one big ending.

I hope they can get these to America so I can complete my bookshelf.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “School Rumble #283”

  1. just say it didnt end the way you wanted it to be.

    and what could School Rumble Z have? is it like Dragon Ball Z??? LOLZ!!!

    ***laughing ahead of anyone.*** =D

  2. It didn’t end the way I wanted it to end. It ended too soon — very abrupt. I could’ve handled the manga-ka wrapping up some story lines in quick, succinct chapters. He just kind of went, “Time to stop. It’s good right here.”

  3. I think he got tired of the story. He's still writing some other manga, so he can't be tired of writing manga. Plus School Rumble Z.

    I think your right about Dragon Ball Z. (>_<) He did do some parodies of that particular manga in one of the middle chapters.

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