The bitter end II

Now they tell me!

“In a post-credits scene, Mulder and Scully, together in swimsuits in a boat on a tropical ocean, casually row toward an island while waving at a helicopter passing overhead.”

Fuck, man. Who’s got the torrent?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

8 Replies to “The bitter end II”

  1. WHAT?!?!? i was just ready to dash out to the bathroom. why did i even try to dash out? as if there was a line… =(

  2. did you read the “sequel” area from the Wiki?

    if successful. i hope it was gauged successful enough to make another movie that will have a “supposed better” plot where the aliens SHOULD come in. but with the near to empty 1030 showing on a friday night (first day even), and a screw up on the ticket printing, those signs didnt equate to good.

    why didnt they just use that alien invasion plot he had in his head all along?!?

  3. Prob because of funding and to test the waters.

    Or he just wanted to get back in the grove and not be just an alien show. Who knows.

    It only made 10 million which wouldn’t be bad for a fall release, but with it being summer… it’s up in the air for a sequel. Dark Knight doesn’t help by sucking up all the tickets.

  4. Fight the future was already about the alien invasion. I wish it was more like a monster of the week one with fluke boy. Rather than getting a religious type of thing going on.

    And that weak B.O. pretty much kills all chances of another XFiles film.

  5. Nothing can go against the wrath of The Dark Knight. What at terrible time for a movie to come out! This actually could have been a made for cable movie or something, would have worked for HBO. I disappointed in Chris Carter and his slow paced script. And they kept saying we would be jumping out of our seats with fright.

    Was anyone scared? I wasn’t.

  6. I was scared.

    …scared I was reaching the end of my nacho dip.

    Not being a huge X-Files fan I actually enjoyed it for what it was. But like I said, I couldn’t recommend it for a theater watch. BUT now I want to go catch the boat wave.

    Sounds like we missed the best part. Although the Amanda Peet exit scene was entertaining, in a Will Farrel goofy way. She should have sceamed “DAMN YOOOOOOU”.

  7. @ browser: if he was thinking of getting back to the alien invasion story for a third one, why deviate the second? (am i forcing them to give me what i want?)

    @ gunngirl: scared? who? i think the scary part for me is when youre not sure if Scully will be abducted by the priest’s roomie. otherwise, scary? nah! the pacing wasnt slow for me though, it was fine, rather it lacked momentum. i dunno. it might be just me but it lacked the energy to make things alive or memorable (and i wanted it to be “alive” when it talked of the dead. hahaha! =p)

    @ seed: what happened to you and the nachos? haha! i was indeed surprised you had nachos when you came back. i wanted some of the cheese also but then i felt sucha pig that day. (why am i saying this out loud!)

  8. I think Chris Carter didn’t want to go the alien route as it drags along with it the entire mytharc of the series with its intendent baggage. I think he wanted to let the audience not have to worry about greys, alien bounty hunters, the syndicate, red and the black, etc. that was all a part of the xfiles mythos. Carter just wanted the audience to enjoy an xfiles story. Too bad it was a little bit shabby.

    I wasn’t scared, but there were times where I was cringing slowly hoping that nothing jumps out of the shadows.

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