Link of the Day [7.30.08]

The Fat War may be over, but there’s still some mopping up to do.

It’s been about four months since the end of that. And we’ve probably regressed and gained back the weight lost. I keep on cycling, and eating summer salads, but don’t gain any muscle.

This plan sounds intriguing. Sounds it any way. Maybe. But if you do 25 pushups a minute, this will take 4 minutes to do in the end. That’s gotta hurt.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Link of the Day [7.30.08]”

  1. i need another fat war. i have zero motivation for the gym. i don’t suppose lifting pizza to my face counts as a curl?

  2. @m: it counts more if that slice was a chicago deep dish! >_<

    War! What is it good for?

  3. Absolutely nothing. Pass the parmesan.

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