Quote of the Day [7.30.08]

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Kubla Khan”

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Quote of the Day [7.30.08]”

  1. …A million lights are dancing
    And there you are
    A shooting star
    An everlasting world
    And you’re here with me

    I like it better on skates.

  2. I liked the “Dire Straits” quote of the day. 🙂

    As for the XF, I think the movie tried hard to make it seem like they hadn’t been together. We don’t get a gist that they’re living together and it’s never REALLY confirmed, though we see them in bed and it looks like Mulder has been living there making a mess and we don’t see either one go to any other house. That didn’t make any sense. but I still liked it and hope for another.

  3. I had felt that they weren’t together. It was weird that they jumped back into bed together. Woah? Fwoar!

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