Quote of the Day [8.01.08]

“You know, I don’t pay attention to John McCain’s ads, although I do notice he doesn’t seem to have anything to say very positive about himself. He seems to only be talking about me. You need to ask John McCain what he’s for and not just what he’s against.”

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) responding to John McCain attack ads

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Quote of the Day [8.01.08]”

  1. I thought this was an interesting article yesterday and made me wonder if that's why a lot of my friends like him.


  2. riss, interesting. I never thought of Obama as Asian. Like the article points out, he’s like Tiger Woods in his racial mix. Hopefully, he can kick ass like Tiger Woods.

  3. @ browser: its a good quote. im still compiling my notes about election campaigns and this strikes to the belly. =)

    @ riss: that was a good article. though i must admit i have not read the article entirely, the supporting details as to how he is “the man” we need is good. it does matter that he is able to represent a good number of people who comprise America. =)

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