I am. I be.

This is telling from my work computer. I hope the sniffing dogs to catch me playing outside the corporate sandbox.

Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 18%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 82%

Site Male-Female Ratio
google.com 0.98
amazon.com 0.9
blogger.com 1.06
imdb.com 1.06
flickr.com 1.15
weather.com 1.08
nytimes.com 1.13
netflix.com 0.79
southwest.com 0.77
livejournal.com 0.68
slate.com 1.11
salon.com 1.13
sportingnews.com 1.94
autoblog.com 1.94
animenewsnetwork.com 1.04
dailykos.com 1.56

Try it out here. You should post your results there or here. I think it would be okay to post it there. Here, we’ll just make fun of you. >_

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.