Must post something

I’m getting bored with my link of the day/quote of the day posts, but find them very satisfying as they make me keep up the churning of the blog. I’m hoping to get to the end of the year with this style, but only seeing titles in my RSS feed of link/quote of the day is boring.

I’m hoping you readers click through the links and visit the sites I post. I’m also hoping you like the quotes I dredge up. Next month is NewsRadio Quote Month and I am still deciding if the titles will be quotes or just the quote of the day be quotes from the greatest comedy show of all time. I still haven’t delved into the post Phil Hartman years.

Anyway, just had to post something to break up the monotony of the titles. Although this one isn’t that great. Perhaps, I should start twittering.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Must post something”

  1. twittering is too much work

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