The Acceptance Speech

I didn't watch it. All the blogs and pundits are atwitter that it was
pretty good. Long on details on how he's going to turn this country
around. How he parried the personal attacks on his patriotism. "When
the big man comes at the small man with all his might, it is the wise
man who steps aside." Inspiring and pragmatic? When will this be on iTunes? And someone post the YouTube link!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “The Acceptance Speech”

  1. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, WATCH THIS NOW. i promise it will be the best 42 minutes you will have this week.

  2. Should watch. Too busy stupid to do it. Later this weekend.

  3. @ m: thanks for posting that link. i needed a breather from all the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh here. hihihi!

  4. You can get an ipod ready version from itunes. I wonder if you’ll download the republican party one as well. Those suckers.

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