“Wait a minute, you didn’t know rap had words?”

Link of the Day [9.03.08]

Well, August passed by, and I’m still stuck just short of 500 miles for the year. This is worst than last year. I rode about 45 minute per outing then, but a whole lot more of them. This year, the number of times I rode is less, but I put more time in per ride. And again, like last year, my August has been a disappointment. I can only blame myself and lack of motivation caused by the fact that long rides alone suck.

So reading this excerpt of Jonathon Vaughter’s, the manager for Garmin-Chipotle (nee Team Slipstream), ride with Senator Kerry (D-Mass) during last weeks DNC, I just want to go out and cruise. It’s pretty amazing that a sitting Senator can keep up with a former pro cyclists. What’s he do and when does he get the time to ride like that? And if he’s fearless screaming down hair pin descents in the Rockies, what happened in 2004?

I know one thing: I’m in that 12mph lolly-gagging group. I have to get back to the 15 mph.


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to ““Wait a minute, you didn’t know rap had words?””

  1. I don’t think you do like…

    Hee hee. How did that slip by? Is Skynet finally slipping threw the cracks?

  2. hey! thats BR’s girl!

  3. In india they pay people to get past the captchas. I was wondering what Britney was up to these days!

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