“Even as I battled stray dogs for scraps of meat in urine-soaked alleys, all I can think of is Lisa Miller.”

Nozomi Sasaki
Originally uploaded by g2slp.
Last of the flicrkr pix of Nozomi Sasaki from flickr user g2slp. There’s plenty more Nozomi pix out in the vast expanse of the interweb, but it’s easier to post from flickr. She’s a beauty. Thank you flickr user g2slp.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to ““Even as I battled stray dogs for scraps of meat in urine-soaked alleys, all I can think of is Lisa Miller.””

  1. That’s a risque image and I was hesitant to post it, but darnit ain’t she the sweetest thing.

  2. What is this? The 1950’s? She’s wearing a bikini.

    She looks like she needs tentacle love though.

  3. And most of the pictures I’ve posted on this site have shown less skin. Any further and it would’ve been a babe blog.

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