“Je vous telephoné un autre temps. Mon supervisor est ici.”

The Republican National Convention is on. John McCain is set to give his acceptance speech. All week long it was about how the real nominee for change is John McCain.

Conservatives change? Conservatives are looking to make a radical break with the present? Isn’t that the antithesis of being conservative? Looking for the change we need, it’s going to be a lot more of the same. I thought they want it to stay the status quo? Being conservative is to not make any sudden changes that might cause sudden upheavals.

No more Bush. No more McCain phoniness. No more conservatives. No more Republicans in office. That’s the change we can believe in.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to ““Je vous telephoné un autre temps. Mon supervisor est ici.””

  1. i didnt know where to place this, but here’s the link. saw it last night and i wanted to laugh so hard.


  2. I saw that the other day. Oops. The reality comes out.

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