“These are actuall rap lyrics. ‘Life ain’t nothin’ but gritches and money,’ only they don’t use ‘gritches.'”

Link of the Day [9.05.08]

I sing the praises of Macross Frontier, and for those who have watched it, it’s good, right? Yet, I wouldn’t have even cared for it, if not for watching Robotech, the US derivation/adaptation of Macross, Mospaeda, and Southern Cross anime.

You can get Robotech via iTunes, now. In a perfect world, we would also be able to get the original Macross and Macross Frontier as well. When are we going to break down those country ID barriers? Steve Jobs tear down that wall!!!


(h/t Anime News Network)

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.