“Do you know what a big James Caan fan I am? I mean, he’s like the real life Don Corleone.”

Link of the Day [9.13.08]

I’ve got nothing so far today, and it’s early morning. Or late at night, for those night owls.

So here’s a junk link for you to read. I haven’t read it, but the article title, “The Problem with Biking in America,” pretty much says it all.

There are many problems, the first being that we don’t take the bicycle serious as a form of transportation. We don’t think about using to commute to work or school, or to go shopping or out for the evening. It’s seen as a fitness equipment, and when was the last time we loved our fitness equipment. Hopefully, we can change our perceptions and make the bicycle a good, reliable transportation mechanism.


(ht kottke.org)

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.