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Link of the Day [9.14.08]

Is liking anime sexy girl figurines a strange sexual fetish? Or does this article not get the otaku culture from which the figure collecting hobby arises from?

I get the feeling that the author is attempting to assume a provocative stance on the strangeness of a foreign culture being brought to our shores by the manga and anime industry in order to criticize it. He wants to point out how ugly it can be or how very strange the fetishism found in the otaku culture is. While he does make a point on how slack the censorship is in the Japanese culture, he makes it sound very prurient which I don’t think it is.

I don’t know. At times, it is strange, and at times, it is rather sexy. Yet, pornographic it is not. Unless you look at all the hentai manga and anime.


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.