“I asked for French fries, not frozen potato planks placed in the general vicinity of some warm grease.”

Link of the Day [9.24.08]

The Big Bailout is only helping those who caused the problem, and it’s going to be supervised by the same people who for the last year have been saying the financial crisis has been contained, in other words, the same people who don’t know jack.

Thanks, Republicans. The political party that preaches fiscal responsibility is the most fiscallyist responsible! The FUCK they are! They also have been scaring the populous about the “Dems going to raise taxes.” Under whose watch again did this massive spending come from? Who’s going to pay? How are we going to pay? TAXES! Makes you wonder if this isn’t some plot by the Republicans to hobble the government with debt then point out that the government can’t run properly. That’s just plain incompetence on that political party. They have no right to even run for dog catcher.

If only you can also get a helping hand from the government. Let’s dump our bad investments on the people. You have that Milli Vanilli CD? Get the government to pay you for it. The best part is they will gladly pay top dollar for it. It’s worth hundreds!!!


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.