“Ah, that tiny new car smell.”

Link of the Day [9.30.08]

So I have a few anime figures, the latest being Tabitha from Zero No Tsukaima. Don’ ask me what the hell that anime is, all I know is that I really dug the figure. I would do the cool thing and take some pictures, but I just don’t have the camera for it. You have seen my figures on my flickr account? Some of those photos aren’t so great, and the layouts are very dull. I would love to show them off in a better way.

So head on over to Happy Soda and read his figure reviews. They are very interesting, because each review has an intro story that seems to capture the mood of the figure. Then he photographs them awesomely. Someone get me my camera!


Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.