Eagle Eye

The computer programmers and system designers in Eagle Eye should never build their system to resemble HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Just that shape alone, the iconic red, soulless eye, would signify that it is going to eventually turn on its maker. It will gain consciousness and decide to eliminate the human species because they are the problem.

The movie is hard to believe. It was setting up for a big twist ending, but never got there because they threw away reality and conjured up a big, fat, fake fantasy. If your going to make a paranoid thriller, you need tons of paranoia and a little bit of thrills. It was a movie that wanted to mix in paranoia about the government, but didn’t make anyone worried enough about how pervasive computer profiling is. I wish the Lone Gunmen were alive to make us remember that, “No matter how paranoid you are, you aren’t paranoid enough.”

The movie was good for what it was — car chases, loud noise, and quick-cut action. It’s good to let your brain wander, so that you don’t think too much about the computer profiling. Maybe, you should also be highly paranoid as well? Unfortunately, the movie plods along to a conclusion that you know is inevitable. You could plot it using a computer profile of many action flicks that have come before it.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Eagle Eye”

  1. some of the scenes made me jump and all, but then it was a silly movie. plus the fact that im not a fan of Shia helped the chuckles a lot.

  2. Yeah, I’m not a shia fan. I think his best part was in Constantine when he died.

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