Link of the Day [10.09.08]

I'm watching a co-workers USB fan cool her down in this unseasonably
warm, humid day, and I wish I had one. That's a great use of the unused
USB ports on my work desktop. I doubt that the IT department would like
it though.I'm looking for cool USB devices. I've seen a few: coffee mug warmer,
refrigerator, christmas tree, fake fish tank. I've also seen some crazy
devices out of Japan, most notably a simulated bomb. It doesn't blow up
by acts as a countdown timer. I would like to get these "humping dogs"
as they are hilarious except that they won't be so hilarious the next
day. Have you seen any cool USB devices?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Link of the Day [10.09.08]”

  1. Come on? This would make anyone jealous and wondering you can stay breezy cool.

    If ever on a date you can look super calm and ultra cool even in 200 degree humid weather! Although the buzzing noise may raise some questions. It’s probably 10 steps of uncool beyond the clip on tie.

  2. Also you’ll have to always be plugged into your Macbook Pro. Hee hee. It may or may not earn points.Maybe if you desides a tethering app from your iPhone?

    Besides the fact it looks like one of those throat talking devices it’s also probably plastic. Hee hee. So buy and use at your risk of being ridiculed, but hey at least you won’t… sweat it. Hurray. I made shitty cheese joke that comes free with the fan tie!

  3. “desides”= design.

    And that was three comment posts. People will click thinking there’s some awesome linkage from 3 different people on USB devices. But no. It’s just me with one device, but 3 different topics.


  4. @theseed: I thought there was a whole host of visitors giving me tips on cool USB devices, but, O, it’s just you!

    Isn’t there some USB battery charger that you can plug your tie into?

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