Post office parking lot

I'm up early after a dream of sharks and minnows. Dreams come easy when
your bed is overheated from the unseasonal warmth. There's no sunlight
yet, and the darkness outside is calm. You can just about hear the
construction workers arriving at the plot of land across the street.
They leave their pickup trucks idling as they get some warmth and finish
up their coffee.I get ready for work, shower, brush my teeth, and iron my pants. I put
on a slightly wrinkled shirt that I hope will seem less wrinkled by my
activity during the day. It's going to be warm again, but I do put on a
jacket to ward the morning chill.My car, newly washed, has dew covering it, yet, it still sparkles from
the wash. I lament that I don't get to see it in a more pristine state,
but that happens when you don't park it in the garage. The wiper clears the condensation from the windshield. The car isn't
warm enough to keep the condensation reforming on the windshield. Each
successive pass of the blades slowly clears my vision.I have a bill to mail. It's Columbus Day, and the post office is
closed. I sit in my car contemplating whether to mail it. Should I use
the drive up mailboxes? They are probably stuffed with Sunday's mail.
They will probably stuffed with Monday's mail as well. Should I use the
drop slot in the post office itself? This doesn't get serviced until
the afternoon. It's the last thing they check before leaving. The bill is due Wednesday. Will it arrive on time?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Post office parking lot”

  1. “slightly wrinkled shirt that I hope will seem less wrinkled by my
    activity during the day.”

    Hee hee. I just throw mine in the dryer and let it sort itself out. It’s still wrinkled but it looks wrinkled from usage, not like the crisp clean lines of a shirt that’s been stuck in one position all night. =)

    Can you do your bill online? That’s what I would do.

  2. it depends… so maybe refer to seed’ suggestion

  3. Actually, I could’ve walked to the credit union to pay it if I was so inclined. But like almost everything else today, it was closed. O well.

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