Link of the Day [10.15.08]

This should be tomorrow's link of the day, but I am posting it for you
today to remind you that it will be Boss's Day. You should get your
boss a nice card, some candy, and some flowers. You should pat them on
the back and say, "Thanks, for letting me keep my job." When your
performance appraisals come through, that suck-up maneuver will not be
wasted, and you will be rewarded with another year of work.Boss's Day was devised by the Chamber of Commerce. It was probably a
self-congratulatory move by them and was created to remind the workers
who really is in charge. I imagine celebrations taking place in the
little conference room. Everyone looking like they want to be somewhere
else. The boss comes in and everyone mumbles an unenthusiastic chorus
of "For he's a jolly good fellow." Small talk follows for a few minutes
while the cake is being handed out, but when it's gone everyone is back
to their desks. Only the boss lounges around chatting with the
suck-ups. I think this was an episode of "The Office?"'s_Day

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.